Design Alchemy

SOM - C4D Ascent

In 2022 I started the School of Motion: C4D Ascent course, taught by EJ Hassenfratz.

The course consisted of 12 weeks of Cinema 4D classes targeted for those who want to master the fundamentals and marketable 3D concepts.

Whilst balancing my workload, I've progressed up to week 4. During these classes I've learnt about GPU vs CPU rendering; further comprehension of the internal physical render, in turn transferring that knowledge over to Redshift and Octane; setting up a good lighting rig; HDRIs; and how to create realistic textures by adding imperfections.

I've compiled my exercise results so far from this intensive course below.


So far into the course, I have gained a better understanding of internal vs external renderers and how they differ. This has given me a more in depth knowledge of how to navigate the 3D world, being able to transfer that knowledge between different softwares, implementing the tools I've learnt into my process and incresing the quality of my outputs.

SOM - Advanced Motion Methods

In 2021 I took the School of Motion: Advanced Motion Methods course, taught by Sanders Van Dijk.

The course consisted of 9 weeks of After Effects classes targeted for professionals who want to push themselves to the next level in the Motion Design industry. 

During this course I've learnt how to better my workflow; the importance of creating Animatics to help set the structure of the sequence early on; the Motion Design priciples of Balance between Elements - In and Out of Sync - Ratios - Red Thread - Motivation of Movement; how to structure animations according to geometric proportions found in nature; all the different types of transitions from Hard Cuts all the way to Morphing and when best to use each; how to deal with complexity; together with providing us with constant useful and fun tips.

I've compiled my exercise results from this intensive course below.

Since completing the course, I've gained a better understanding of motion graphics and have been able to implement the tools I've learnt into my process, streamlining it and incresing the quality of my outputs.